
Hi, I appreciate your time here, checking this out.

This site is a portal to various creative outlets of mine. Writing, healthy lifestyle, photography, jewelry.

I like to make objects of beauty. I like to make good, simple, wholesome food. I intend to write about what matters.  A lot.

I’m also a full time solo parent to toddler twins so my ‘work’ dream is necessarily a process, housed here in all its imperfection. I’m never idle ~ I love to learn and problem solve and being a mother is that and plenty more.

It’s all a work in progress. That’s Life.

I love connecting with people, sharing the unique contexts we have that make our stories different but tying it together at depth. We’re all the same: We want to feel good, loved and that we matter.

The world is now everyone’s online oyster.  You never know who you can make a connection with. And what will come from it.  That, is exciting.  It just takes curiosity and guts.  So let’s do this. Today.
