About Maki Hanawa Photography


“Extraordinary beauty in ordinary things…”

photo credit: Wendy D Photography, 2010

photo credit: Wendy D Photography, 2010

I started taking photos in 2006.  The style of my photography can be captured in the expression : Extraordinary beauty in ordinary things.

My photos are taken around the world, or in my backyard – you would never know, because beauty is not context, it’s essence.  And wherever a subject exists, it can be perceived as beautiful if you can see it for what it is, without overlaying any mental constructs.

A truly beautiful thing is beautiful in its own right because it exists, just as nature intended it to be.  Although life at times can seem complex and overwhelming, when you look upon the reality around you with fresh eyes you will see there is beauty all around.

I like to keep my photography simple – I shoot with an old Nikon D70 and dedicated macro lens. Rarely pull out the zoom.  Nature and portraits are my subjects of choice.

You can find my handmade photography notecards at Banyen Books in Vancouver BC. Larger prints, canvas wraps available. Message mhbcreative@icloud.com